Strategic Land Purchase
Supporting City of Prospect with the preparation of a prudential issues report that considered the key financial implications and risks in relation to the purchase of 142-148 Main North Road, Prospect.
CWMS Expansion Project
Supporting Kingston District Council in preparing for a major expansion to its CWMS Network in Kingston SE by reviewing existing CWMS Accounting Practices and developing financial modelling to forecast the future impact of the scheme on current and future ratepayers.
Central Market Arcade Redevelopment
Key advisor in relation to the Central Market Arcade Redevelopment project including participation on the development evaluation panel, undertaking financial impact modelling, prudential report and general advice to City of Adelaide Administration and Elected Members.
Franklin Street Bus Station Site
Chaired the Evaluation Panel to determine the preferred development proposal / proponent.
Little Para Golf Course Operational Review and Upgrade
Review of strategic opportunities at the Little Para Golf Course and lead EOI process for private investment in the facility.
Jane Eliza Housing Development and Houseboat Marina
Development of Business Case for the Houseboat Marina and development of a Houseboat Management Plan.
State Basketball Centre
Supporting commercial negotiations on the development of the $16 million State Basketball Centre at the Adelaide Showgrounds.